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I Forge Iron

Forging a froe

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Howdy all,

I am new to the forum and have been checking it out. Just amazing!

I need some help. A friend of mine has asked me to make him a froe and I am not sure how I should form the eye. Does it need to be welded? Any suggestions?

I have read that the froe need not be made of tool steel since it need not be very sharp. What are your thoughts on this.


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on froes I have made in the past, and all the ones I have seen are all forge welded, similar to making a tomahawk or hatchet, I form the eye and then forge weld to main body over lapping about four inches then draw out the rest of the cutting blade. The eye should be tapered starting from the bottom the keep the handle tight in the blade. I have made them out of lawnmower blades as well as mild steel flat bar. I have seen a few that the eye was form just touching the main blade then arc welded to complete the eye. In all cases the eye connects back to the main body, forming a cutting blade of about twelve to fourteen inches long, this of course is dependant on how wide the stock material that is being rived.. Hope this helps. Matt.

Edited by alabamablacksmith
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I have forged several froes. the eye is tapered from the non cutting edge down to the cutting. There is no need for tool steel since it is used for splitting wood. I have done a blueprint and I know there is at least one other. If you need a pdf of mine PM me an I will send it to you.


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