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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ramsies11

  1. my father had very bad dyslexya, he failed 1 and 2 grade untill they figured out what was wrong, somthing with this stuff is you have to make it relavant to the people who have it, otherwise it wont do them any good, for math, give her problems that deal with smithing (dont over bear or else she might think smithing is nothing but math) the reading thing i cant help with, i was an avid reader as a child, my school setup point systems for them and you got so many points per book you read and took tests over (the max a book was was only 10) and after a year in second grade i had 216 points. i was the second place winner in school. (someone beat me with 218 points) but the point is, find books she finds interesting.

    is she a very industrious girl?

  2. top 25 smallest number most important to biggest number least important:
    -biggest number ever. her fathers support.
    0.a set of good gloves.
    .5. a scrap yard
    1.a sturdy hammer
    2.an anvil
    3. a blower
    4. a forge(yes, blower first then forge.)
    5. an anvil stand (i use an old stump
    6. vice
    7. tongs/vicegrips
    8. steel toe boots.
    9. a crucible
    10. heart wood chunks (id suggest about1"x1")
    11. quench barrel filled with water
    12. smaller quench barrel with old used oil
    13. a metal coffee can filled with cat litter
    14. casting stuff
    15. a good welders apron (the best come with leather sleeves, ill be using these with foundry work)
    16. ifi

  3. i dont personally know if im going yet, i need to see what it would cost me to take 500lb anvil over airfare or if my friend and i are interested in driving from smo to rapid city. my question was: who all is going?

    and yes i realise there is already a post about it, but the one i saw was asking for carpooling, if theres another one, shut down this thread and message me a link to it please.

  4. so, while watching the best t.v. show of all time (A-Team) i thought hit me for a foundry setup, an old oil drum that i cut in two halves (like a burger, not hot dog) and i drill a hole in the side of it for the air, then i take the lid, and drill a 3in dia. hole in the middle, i was thinking of stuffing the bottom with wood and lighting it, then once it caught, stick the crucible in and pack the sides with wood, then start cranking for a bit.

    my question is: practical?
    is this too MacGyver to even work?

  5. josh- same age. my only issue with my girl is her dad wants me to make him up an oil drum smoker.... and he wants to pay me for it!!! but i need work. lol. having your own business isnt all its cracked up to be.

  6. so, i had a thought, for a long/greatsword, why not get 2 leaf springs off the trailer, forge weld them together and then make them even with eachother, and then, take another two leaf springs and do the same, take the two parts you have, start at the end and forge weld them into one very thick, very long sword.

    so, is this idea a bust or possible?

  7. thomas- if there was, im sorry, i didnt see it.

    you may be a blacksmith if your hair started out blonde and right now you cant seem to get the black out. (anyone have ANY IDEA on how to do this? im about to shave my head to a skin head and start over, im just afraid the top of my head will turn black.)

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