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Posts posted by macbruce

  1. There was a post a month ago or so about a sculptor who had stopped by Macbruces 

    shop ,with photos of his die system.

    I can't recall what thread that was or who it was but this I do remember.......http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/30169-flat-dies-vs-dovetail-dies/   (post 31) Allot of my best dies are a mystery as well as far as what they're made of... :huh: but they were something 'good' I found at salvage yards usually and I got lucky heat treating them....A bunch wound up in the pile too. Mild steel dies are great if you're gonna build up the face(s) with weld(s) for texture.

    Always heat treat before you weld the die(s) to the base plate. Curve the base plate slightly before you weld. If you don't counteract weld shrinkage before welding the flanges will pull up and the die will rock, better to have it a tad concave on the bottom than convex because at least it will sit flat.

  2. Looking good Bruce, looking good


    I saw your first version but since you were the other side of the pond I spent a few days building my modified version. T'was time well spent because the results on the leaves I was veining were SUPERB  and it saved $DAYS$ of time. It's a great little machine you came up with Bruce .. and for the right job it will print money.

    WOW, I don't know what to say other than thank you very much for your compliments and innovation. I know from your profile you lurk here frequently but it's good to see a post after such a long hiatus, especially this one.....MB

  3.    When they were
    traded to the Indians they commonly had no handle (at least the common ones like
    the one I made). Google pipe tomahawk images and you'll see many versions of
    the one(s) I made because it was among the most common patterns used for
    trade, which is just what the NPS wanted for the General Store re
    creation at Bent's Fort and I made 15 for them. The Indians had plenty of time to sit in their teepees and
    whittle away. The hole could be burned through, drilled or a branch could be
    split and then gouge a channel down either side, then put back together
    (like a blow gun) and wrapped with wire or rawhide. I doubt they were
    ever thrown with that much work involved but they were used for
    fighting.....I love the 'love/hate' symbolism of these weapons.

      The piece in the pic is forged from a .50 cal gunbarrel with a bird's eye maple handle.


  4. My baby has undergone a change thanks to an innovation Youngdylan came
    up with the one he built. His had an exposed spring spring directly over
    the hammer which I didn't care for, but it works fine. I opted for an enclosed spring and lost the
    clunky pressure weights because this is far cleaner looking and more
    efficient. The dual indexing bars are now one which also acts as the
    spring contact.......BTW you'll never do anything linear with a HF machine.


  5. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong but when I make hot work tools from H13 I forge finish and forget about it. The hacks and hot cuts very often get red hot while in use and when they cool they're still hard and show very little wear.....I love the stuff.......BTW, the same does hold true when making say, PH dies after machining, I've made some but I sent them out for heat treating....

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