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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by macbruce

  1.  ''I am overwhelmingly grateful. There are so multifarious forgotten moments written at hand by and described. I cognition them again''.


    I don't know about the former but at least we can agree on this..... :P

  2. When I'm doing points for leaves and finishing tapers I always do the boogie in the power hammer or by hand. When power is not an issue like Basher says I rarely bother and I get good results......On an off day I can make ''diamonds'' from rounds no matter which way I try.....

    I think size does matter here because once a bar gets above a certian size it's alot more work to do. Trying to flip say a 3'' bar back and forth in time even with a bigger slower hammer is not easy.......

  3. I've never had any problems in all my shops large or small unless the flame is rich, and if that's the case it must be corrected......I know dozens of of other wild and crazy blacksmiths who have never used hoods over their propane forges...... :o .....

    The pic is my unventilated living room fireplace that I bought at HF and it runs on propane and it has never set off the CO detector  in  5 years.....

    I spose the regs for a school are what they are but I'll continue as I have till the bitter end..... :)


    A home ventless fireplace is not the same as a forge


  4.   What is the best setup/positioning for a mechanical local exhaust being used to provide ventilation for a propane forge?

    Why do you want to ventilate your propane forge in the middle of January? If it weren't for mine I'd freeze....... :wacko: 

  5. Could be done no problem, casting in bronze or aluminum for the hilt after making a model in wax, blade would be best cut out of sheet then ground. Dont listen to anyone else man, I used to get the same defeatest answers but stuck with it now I live the dream, making swords for a living! It wont be easy but it's totally doable. The blade ouwld be the easy part, modeling that whole hilt in wax then having it cast right would be tricky.

    I believe the query Razzputin put fourth here was to: ''enable me to forge out a replica of frostmourne a sword''. No one here has said it can't be done and you haven't mentioned forging at all in your reply......

  6. Moi?....That's all I have to go by, a PW is the only anvil I've seen with those distinctive flats on the feet....My theory is they could have been used to cleat the anvil down firmly while doing the final forging.....I've used them for that to fasten mine to the platen table with the use of a fabricated adapters for the dogs to press on.



    is that due to the feet / steps?

  7.  I dont see why forging it would be such a problem.

    If you're looking for someone here to tell you, hey, no problem Razz this is how I whipped one out you're going to draw a blank. Even forging a strait double edged sword requires allot of experience and skill.......I'd get it plaz or waterjet cut and then do some forging or stock removal to get it to shape. 

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