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I Forge Iron


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    Crawfordville, Florida
  • Interests
    Living History-War of 1812- Blacksmithing everyday items from Colonial America, leather working, inkle loom weaving.

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  1. For small projects, I use modeling clay. If you start your clay in the same shape as the stock you will be using, and then form it. You can see an almost step by step process.
  2. Power hammer! I want one of these.
  3. Great idea. I like this
  4. I enjoy making these, but folks around here just wont buy them. Apparently it appears to be too much of a weapon. I bill them as 'swamp sticks'. We have a lot of national forest and protected wetlands around here and anything from snakes to alligators can come out of nowhere on some of these hiking trails trails. The first one I sold was to a little old lady who had trouble with her neighbors rot weiler as she walked the neighborhood.
  5. I live in north Florida. We have sinkholes here that swallow houses. My middle grandson will wear a black armband on this day from this day forward.
  6. Cleaned up a musket to sell to my friend Steve O from Dothan Al. He not only showed up with the money but also with 200 lbs of coal. He says he paid $12.00 a hundred lbs from Enfinger Steel on Ross Creek in Dothan. Now thats a friend.
  7. I deal with PTSD and Bi-polar disorder. My forge has more than once saved my sanity AND my marriage. Its what we call productive therapy.
  8. Check out any site for Polish Weapons from the Medieval period. These walking stick hawks were used by the Polish nobles of that period to beat the peasants with should they fail to pay their taxes. In fact the church outlawed the ax style head because the peasants were often killed. Instead they suggested a hammer type head so you could still punish the peasants rather than kill them. The nobles dont get paid,the church dont get paid. This is of course only one of many stories you can find for the evolution of this type of 'walking stick'
  9. You can always ask 'Me Bevis' to show you his forge after the show. When he replies 'my name isnt Bevis' you reply 'Oh, sorry, you must be the other one".
  10. A friend of mine was doing a demo and making crucificxion style nails as used in the Roman era, an old lady told him he was wrong as they didnt have the tecnology to do that back then. His reply was 'well, ma'am I reckon they just DUCK TAPED Christ to that cross'.
  11. Willis


    Really nice job. I'm all over the copper guard. I use a lot of it. Copper plumbing caps make great butt caps.
  12. Good job. I'm still trying.
  13. I stabilize dried corncobs. I soak them in a 50-50 mix of polyurethene varnish and acetone for about 4 days, stick them on a nail with the head cut off and air dry for about a week. I have used them for tool handles, and knife handles. they can be turned on a small lathe. I even had a friend turn one on a pen lathe and present me with a unique writing instrument. If you use a cheap hand vacume pump from Harbour Freight then I'm sure the process can be sped up or bettered in some way. I use a large mouth glass gallon jar with a small hole poked in the lid for the soaking process. I get my dried corn from Wal Mart. They sell dried corn, about a dozen to a bag, in the garden shop listed as squirrel food. Just shell the corn off the cob and voila. Dried corn cobs. I assume you can use the same process for wood, but with a longer soak time.
  14. I've offered to teach a beginners class in blacksmithing to our church youth class. We are small but close. So far I have two girls intrested. :) My friend and I will also do demos for local churches with only three requirements. 1) we get to sell our wares 2) they have to feed us 3) we tithe 10% of our total profit for the day to the church that we demo for, any denomenation. This opens up a whole new market for us and word gets around. Our ministrie is also a 1/2 way house for recovering substance abusers and recovering alcoholics. I offer them classes also and so far have three students from the fifteen in that group.
  15. I'm still at the 5 gal. bucket stage.
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