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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ThomasPowers

  1. You forgot the zoooom Beep Beep for mine, the moose chasing yours and the hoard of customers asking "Is it done yet?" for Billy's.
  2. Doesn't have to be a log; I've built and used a number of anvil stands from scrounged dimensional lumber held together by power company pole bolts or bolts from guardrails---both available at my local scrapyard. Since I do some teaching I need a number of different height ones. BTW I wouldn't bury a stump until you have worked a while and decided where and how tall works for *YOU*.
  3. Senior Discount; but then I paid for the campsite for 3 days for the group pickup pooling from NM. Golf cart is no good for wandering the tailgating area. I need a sedan chair or palanquin! Hope the weather is tolerably tolerable!
  4. You might try one with a lip in the hole for the biner and the other end tapered like a using piton. You know a good gauge for the size of a bottle opener hole is a US quarter.
  5. Just signed up for Quad-State; I get a discount this year! I hope I can camp near the goings on and not in the north forty!
  6. Yes, though I don't quench often, just to cool off tools.
  7. Yes you need a dermatologist to check out the moles! It was scary how long it continued moving after is was cut entirely in two and disemboweled. Now it stinks.
  8. I prefer sheet metal to wood as you can set hot metal on it; of course a layer of split firebrick can shield wood well and you can drop a container of sifted wood ashes between the arms on the end for annealing and have a sheet metal "lid" on that you can use to set things on. The whole idea is that there is NOT "one best way"; so experiment and find out what works best for YOU and what YOU are doing with the forge!
  9. Can it show a foot wide diagram at full size all at once? Mainly I don't want all my personal data on my phone; shoot I try to keep a bunch of it off the laptop too; I mean what's likely to happen if the arrival date of the Mother Ship is leaked to the general public?
  10. Welcome from the American South West, central New Mexico, USA. Good to know that their is a French group online; we get asked to direct people to other smiths closer to them on a regular basis.
  11. One thing about hand work, you are much more likely to be able to fix a mistake made by hand rather than to have to throw it out after a power hammer glitch. Knowing how hot steel moves under the hammer helps a lot with then going to a [power hammer. However it's your choice.
  12. So as your business increased; you became more squirrelly? Quite understandable and if going nuts lead to blacksmithing---so much the better!
  13. Several other syndromes that can cause it too; none of them good and the faster it gets identified the better! I have a finger I crushed 40 odd years ago that hates the cold; but I know the circulation is messed up in it. (As well as having Adult Onset Juvenile Diabetes...)
  14. Hey, it's a new one---only a year or so old and rated for shock, water, etc---meets a mil spec. Fits in a pocket and no pesky large screen to be damaged! I just wish it had a physical ascii keyboard like my last phone.
  15. Ahh an aiming bar! There were several mudflap bars at the scrapyard today but I already have way too much 1/2" square stock.
  16. I use my flip phone for: phone calls, text messages and a camera. My laptop is a bit more well guarded than a typical "smart" phone; I get my "curmudgeonity" naturally!
  17. What is the speed of a vulture in flight? I'm running off my wife's phone's hotspot as she threw a fit when the ISP wanted to drill holes in her new metal roof to mount a dish. I don't use my phone for what a laptop is far superior for!
  18. Billy, if that was mine I'd have a shed roof out of used metal roofing over that set up so fast the wind would keep it cool for the first month! With my used gas grill cart that I have my gasser mounted on I have over the years put crisscross bracing and replaced the cheep plastic wheels with an axle and ball bearing wheels. I guess I'm too lazy to get another grill, (saw several at the scrapyard today), to replace it when it wears a bit. I even have a piece of heavy plywood that I use as a ramp for my pickup and roll the forge up into the bed to take it on the road.
  19. I thought that it was traditional to use well head gas to fuel flamethrowers to melt snow in ice in Oklahoma?
  20. A nice set of finger choppers! I'm working on the major shop re-arrangement to set it up for using the power hammers. Of course everything to be moved tends to weigh a lot...only 1 black widow spider found so far. Got the old, school, welding table in place. Top weighs more than several of my anvils do (individually). It's supposed to cool down about 1 degree F per day for the next week; I can hardly wait until it's just in the 90's again! Billy, you should run 220 to your shop and then mount that huge chicken house fan on a mount with an infrared tracker so it will keep it pointed towards *you*! Went to the scrapyard today, they said there hasn't been any business since my last visit; but I found a small Belsaw grinder---not one of the fancy ones, a steel trashcan in decent shape, (my wife doesn't get this one as the bottom is still good!) Also some 3/8" rod pieces, an axe head, a chainsaw blade still in the original package, a stainless pie pan for hammer head BLO soaking and a 2' section of cold rolled 3/4" sq stock. Didn't find a rim for my wife's van; I guess I will have to go back and look some more soon...
  21. Nope; but the vultures picked over the hay while it was drying...
  22. Funny thing; it turns out that the Green Aliens squash just like a tomato hornworm does when you drop an anvil on them. (I was hoping they would retaliate and drop *tons* of anvils on my decoy shop; but no such luck.) Lets see how long my data lasts this month!
  23. Last "Friends of the Library book sale" I picked up 4 hardback school library copies of some of RAH's "juveniles" ( have spacesuit will travel, time for the stars, starman jones, the star beast, IIRC). All from the original printings and in excellent condition. I am almost afraid to give them to the grandkids! Jim "Paw Paw" Wilson was an RAH fan and why I wear lederhosen with an aloha shirt Fridays at Quad-State (from a line in "Glory Road").
  24. There were a reason the old cars were called "lead sleds"!
  25. Had one of the normal lizards in my shop today. It skittered away before I could grab my phone and shoot it...
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