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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ThomasPowers

  1. 39" on the tape measure, caplet indentation in the base Fisher for a Blacker power hammer; 2' scale on the face, stamped 469# IIRC.
  2. Cape Buffalo way more dangerous than Elephants! Notice the relatively short barrels on Quartermain's guns---made for use in jungle/heavy brush where you don't have long sight lines; but need to quickly point at close up dangers!
  3. "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
  4. No, it left pretty soon after I bought it. I'm not a big fan of cast iron body forges; I tend to make my own from steel so was happy to pass it on to someone who wanted a "traditional forge"... (I've had 3 cast iron forges crack on me over the years, 0 steel ones.)
  5. Go with the .700 Nitro Express; pretty much human mount artillery!
  6. I was just noticing a concrete drilling company doing some work outside at Walmart, dust everywhere and the driller not wearing any mask! I would think the company would be harsh about safety due to liability.
  7. General use of WI pretty much died out during the Great Depression with some specialty use making it into the 1960's. As WI tends to be anisotropic it would be a pain to use in die struck sheet metal. I do have some Byers bidirectional rolled plate that was hot rolled twice at directions 90 deg to each other---when it breaks instead of a green stick fracture you get "platy" tears.
  8. Ditto on the Bishop's crozier which is based on a shepherd's crook.
  9. Even with the knuckles is about 4" too low for the stuff I generally do.
  10. There used to be a video of whale necropsy fails where the whales exploded from internal gasses while they were trying to do the necropsy. Oh the humanity! Went to the scrapyard today, only took out 108 pounds---but 70 of that was a chunk of rail 2' long. Got a nice chunk of WI, some heavy pegboard fittings, a steel milk crate, sledge for rock work, etc Now I don't want to say that things can be a might rough at the scrapyard; but they did *break* a piece of RR rail laying on the ground! (No cutting, grinding, torch, etc.) As I recall the whale law was repealed when one of the big cities built an aquarium and someone pointed out they were contravening the statute!
  11. Don't know if they had dog food factories at that time...Shoot we have a Map of Oklahoma that lists where my Mother was born as "Indian Territory"...
  12. Great; I lucked out yesterday and found the plug needed for my welder outlet at a big box store---usually about 1/2 the price of the Electrical Supply place. I had to visit several stores and ask at each one. I had taken a rubbing of the outlet so I could be sure to get one that fit. Turns out the 50 amp 220 volt outlet my electrician installed was a more uncommon type.
  13. The fields around mines often have large amounts of scrap steel; I see some of it show up at the scrapyard here!
  14. Since there was a law forbidding the importation of whales into Oklahoma, I can understand your lack of knowledge of whaling terms...(As I heard it back in the 1980's in OKC: A long time ago a whale washed up on the east coast and someone got the bright idea of loading it on a train car with ice and charge folks in small towns a nickel to see it. They ran out of ice in Oklahoma and abandoned the multi ton decomposing whale in a small town with no facilities to deal with it...)
  15. Also you can put collars over the welds if you want to hide them.
  16. Don't you just hate it when on't cross beams gone owt askew on treddle!
  17. Well it was my loaner vise for folks I was starting out, I left the teeth sharp as I might someday have need of them like that; I could always use the other 10 postvises that were not so checkered. But putting sharp teeth back into the jaws would be a botheration. Unfortunately I leant it to a college student in El Paso and it never came back before I moved 200 miles away; so no longer an issue.
  18. Stop by and I can fire up and give you a starter lesson!
  19. Getting back towards the start; beware the ululations of the Inuit, Iñupiat, Yupik, and Aleut women! Remember Kipling's suggestion to "roll to your rifle"!
  20. I guess monthly full body waxing will have to do (and will explain the howling to the moon...)
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