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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by topsawn

  1. Sorry you couldn't make it. Lot's of new faces and really good to see the old hands again.I'm like you and really looking forward to March also.Question? Would you mind if I TRIED to copy the alter set that you posted? My wife loves those pieces and I would tell everyone that the design came from you. Not back in the shop until mid-week and if you would rather I didn't you want hurt my feelings. Not going to be easy at my skill level anyway.Let me know.
    Safe Passages

  2. Hello Everyone,Found this site over a year ago and have been lurking some. About the same time I started studing this craft.Also new to posting things,be nice.O.K.? My names David, a carpenter by trade, and I've found a great hobby in blacksmithing. I joined a local blacksmithing group in Nov. of 2008 and I'm so glad I did. It seems that most any smith you meet is more than willing to share what he knows. You guys seem to follow suite. The group I joined has a monthly newsletter and I've been writing a"Green Coal Report"For them since Jan. 09 trying to share what they have shared with me. Old Dominion Blacksmith Assoc. is the site if you have time to check it out. Be aware that I seem to have more questions than answers,but will help anyone I can. Thanks David

  3. Hi Paul,
    Nice looking first shop and forge work. Brick floor is something I'm adding to my shop,even as we speak.
    Enough with the nice stuff. From the photo's you may want some air space behind the brick around your forge.
    The O.S.B board on the walls has a high flame-spread, when used on walls. Not being mean but I get a lot of work repairing fire damage. Many happy trips to the anvil and keep posting.

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