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I Forge Iron

blacksmith shop for sale (Townsend, Ma)

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I came across this ad on craigslist and thought someone out there might be interested. "Complete blacksmith shop for sale, 6 anvils, 2 pole vices, hardies, bickirons, forge, electric and Buffalo hand crank on a pedestal, 500 lb. blacksmith coal. many hammers, tongs, 225 amp welder complete/mask, gloves. o/a torches and guages. a large assortment of clamps, drills and bits, chisels and much more....."

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That is very close to me - I just spent about $1000 on a gun safe this morning. I don't want to push things with the Mrs. She is extremely patient with my hobbies, but I can't buy any more big ticket items for a while. Doug C, Please let us know what you see there and what is left (if anything) when you are done. I do need a forge - I just figure that if he has 6 anvils, the forge is probably a whole lot more than I need. Plus Archiphile has graciously offered to help me build one. I just need to decide what I want.

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I'd love to go check this out, unfortunately I'm a little in the negative with the budget as is trying to get my new shop built. I guess I'll just have to make due with my one anvil for now. Thanks for the heads up :).

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I called the gentleman who put this add on Craigslist and am headed out there tomorrow evening if all works out. He has not used the equipment in a year and a half. Already sold 4 of the 6 anvils. He actually had a request from someone in Texas to ship the entire shop to them. Can't wait to see what he's got.

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I kid from Northhampton, Ma bought everything except a leg vise and a a real nice big blower. I bought the blower and boy is it nice. Turns smooth and puts out quite a blast. The guy who sold it is a heck of a nice person. Sad story though. His son just died three weeks ago which may explain why he did not call you back.

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