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I Forge Iron

bottom of my forge is rusted out.


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hi guys i have a question, as always, but the bottom of my forge has gotten pretty rusted out for just sitting in the barn for 100 years. my idea was to cut out a disk from some 1/4" plate and bolt that onto the bottom of my forge. my question is: will it hold up very well or am i just in the market for a new forge?

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Yes it will work fine. Pretty much *everything* in the craft of blacksmithing is a consumable---including the Blacksmith!

I built a firepot from an axle cover of a banjo rear end about 25 years ago---it's in it's 3rd or fourth forge and about due to be replaced with it's mate and the forge re-done as well---bought them as a pair of home made jackstands for $3 as I recall.

Think of it as a chance to *improve* your set up with the ideas you have come up with using it.

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