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I Forge Iron

Stolen Anvil - Colorado


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Saw this on CL, I hope we can help this fellow get his anvil back.  A guy who steals a man's tools is lower than whale XXXX in my book. :angry: :angry: :angry:


Stolen between Feb 6 and Feb 9 th
An NC Farriers anvil. Approximately 80#
Easily identified by forged NC on Base Leg of Anvil sides. Also has side Cams (buttons) for shaping horse shoes. Not an Anvil brand common to this area.
Reward is offered for any info...you will be kept anonymous.
Please see photo of actual anvil below:



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Been a real problem with this in some areas near me.  They steal anything they can sell to the scrap yards for a fast buck. 

Copper and brass are the main targets, but they will take an anvil in a heartbeat if they can get ahold of it, anything with some weight to it is a prime target.  An empty house will have all plumbing and electrical wire ripped out, and they will rip up the walls to get to it. 

A work crew refurbishing a water tower in town had all their welding leads stolen in one night, through a locked fence.

Our local scrap yards now will not buy anything without picture ID and a form just like a pawn shop's, and the local police stop by and review them.  That slowed it down, but didn't put a stop to it. 

I hope it wan't scrappers, and this guy gets his anvi back.  I won't even get started on how little these lowlifes have to fear from the law anymore! :P

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I had a Ruger pistol taken from me several years back and the sad part is it was one of my (friends). If him or his family would have been sick I'd have taken it out and sold it myself and given him the money. Instead he took the money and bought drugs and liquor with it.



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real problem scrap theft and as the value of metals go up it will get worse.

We get a fair bit of copper theft over here, people will cut live copper wires on the train tracks to make a few bucks or role around under trains to steal a few Kg valve made of brass.

They were meant to have solved the copper pipe by not letting scrappers buy new copper pipe..... but i am sure some one will buy it.

Over all it is just another thing to worry about it your day and will slowly push the [price of things up.

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a few year back I was working in my back yard and saw a stranger climbing the pole. I took notice of him and his van and license plate, because as a union electrician myself, that is OUR work the rat is doing on the pole....  shortly after I see him cut the ground wire and coil it up and return to his van, and move to the next pole and repeat !! 


they caught him with a back FULL of grounding wires he clipped off transformers and poles. and 3 house services entrance wire sets. HE pleaded out fo get less prison time.  he never noriced most the wire he stole was not copper, but copper clad aluminum,  value was about the same as the fuel he wasted driving around and letting his van continue to run while he climbed.  stupid on both counts.

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