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I Forge Iron

Another Failure at anvil hunting

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Okay, I just need to vent my frustrations about this one:

   A guy posts on Craigslist about an anvil he is selling at The Elephant' Trunk, a huge flea market in New Milford, CT.  It's a 300 pound Fisher with half the bick broken off.  He says it will be with him on Sundays until it sells.  He is asking $300.  For two weekends in a row I am simply u able to get there due to family obligations.  I went today only because he kept the ad up online.  I get there and apparently narrowly missed it.  He said it was a shame because he sold it to an interior designer from NYC who intends to use it as a decoration piece.  He used to smith a little and said it had awesome rebound, solid hardy and great edges.  He had over fifteen people stop by and not buy it either because of the broken bick or the massive size of the thing.  He couldn't believe it.  Said he would have happily asked for $225 from a smith who intended to use it.  There is no emoji for my annoyance.


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27 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

I take it that he did not leave any contact information...

No, he said he is tired of being spammed by teenagers who watch Forged in Fire who will want the anvil for $50.  I felt helpless.

Just now, JHCC said:

That's a pain. Sorry that didn't work out!

(By the way, did you ever finish that pair of tongs we started?)

The hot cut I made turned out to be too deep.  I have to do a redesign.  I'm back at it now because, based on your input, I did a huge redesign of my forge.  It is now a brick-lined side blast with a fire pot (brake drum for now) and works wonderfully when burning rice coal.  That small fan is just a little too anemic for the larger coal.  I dread going back to my noisy blower so I'm considering my options.  Right now it runs very well as is...but the size of the fire is a bit too small for my liking.  I wish I could just radio Scotty and demand more power when I need it.  Tongs will be forthcoming.

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8 minutes ago, Lou L said:

I did a huge redesign of my forge.  It is now a brick-lined side blast with a fire pot (brake drum for now) and works wonderfully when burning rice coal. 

Put up some photos on the Solid Forges section!

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I remember my first "chance" at a large anvil. Drove an hour and saw a forged and faced anvil with a good looking face, 400 pounds. Then I tapped the face and BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ not "ting".  Face was seriously delaminating.  Almost cried all the way home...

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