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I Forge Iron

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There is or was a fellow on Kodiak Island who used an oil furnace burner to fire a commercial size forge with a chamber size that he used a 55 gl. drum as a core when he cast the liner. 

No idea about a gas furnace burner though.

Frosty The Lucky.


It is a natural gas burner and depending on the gas pressure input to the burner it will put out anywhere from 60k to 250k btu/hr and if i convert it over to propane (just a simple change of springs in the gas valve) it should nearly double that output if i leave the natural gas orifice in. As far as the flame pattern it comes out in two swoosh shaped jets or i could remove the baffle at the end of the air tube to create a single jet style flame. But, if as Frosty says someone in Alaska created a commercial sized forge out of a fuel oil burner, it would be to large of a burner for me at this time. Thanks for the input guys i appreciate it.



What is worthwhile on that furnace is the safety equipment (gas valves, etc.). But, you would want to use that equipment on a very different burner. Typically a fan blown venturi burner, such as are found on hot glass and pottery sites.


Yeah for simplicity sake at this time just to get a forge going i plan on making a simple t burner to go in a fire brick box forge. This should at least get me and my son working in the shop. Your input on the burner 101 thread shows you are very knowledgeable on the subject. Thank you for your input I appreciate it.



That looks great!  

You will want to replace that reducer burner nozzle with something stainless - it will quickly deteriorate at those heats.  I assume you are using 3/4" pipe.  You can get 1" stainless steel pipe (schedule 40 pipe) at speedymetals dot com for about $8 plus shipping.  It holds up well.  You'll have to grind the seam out of the inside of the 1" and grind away a few thousandths around the end of the 3/4" pipe to allow for a slip fit, but it's not too hard.

Happy forging!


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