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I Forge Iron

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Great work Rojo

Nice anvil Tim, I missed out on a Peter Wright earlier this year, that the seller would have let me have it for next to nothing, I found out about it the next day and it was sold already. He apologized for not checking with me, but I told him he came out better because he got almost 5 times what he would have sold it to me for.

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What a scintillating offer Scott!  I could corner the worlds supply! 

Billy, what's that in Rupiah?   (When I was last in Indonesia the only way to find examples of Indonesian coins was to search the gutters as they were not worth pocket space. The next year they were worth 1/10 of what they were worth that year.)  Are you thinking of opening a repair shop in Zimbabwe?

Forged awhile this morning until it was getting hot and my timing was "off".  Still making stuff to sell at the State Fair.  If they cancel it again I will be stocked for the Festival of the Cranes.  I'll need to replace the V belt on our swamp cooler tomorrow, the day we go to town.

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Had a bit of time this weekend. Made a kitchen knife i always heard this size called a boning knife. Anyway put on scale and wanted to get some what close to size to drill pin hole and one scale came off so a bit more glue and i will finish later. Havent made a bottle open in a long time and it shows. Renf fair is coming up and brooches are in order so started making a couple. 


Also built a pinicanic table out of scrap lumber i had in the barn.


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18 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Are those Canadian dollars or Singapore dollars or Australian dollars or US dollars or....

.  Canadian dollars would mean C$1400 == US$1092 so a better deal!

They are Canadian Dollars. 

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The holes are for hanging your schwondenfludel from. 

Ok, i just made that up. Just decoration. Brass or copper rivets do sound like a good idea though. 

I also forgot to mention that the scales on the knife are made from an old "cutting" board. My wife found it at the thrift store where she used to work. It was actually a painters pallet she thought was a cutting board. I used it as a cutting board till i broke it and being a kitchen knife i figured it would be fitting to use for the scales. 

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Billy if the knife is flexible like a rapier then it is a boning knife. Boning knives

21 hours ago, BillyBones said:

heard this size called a boning knife

need to be flexible most kitchen knives are not flexible besides the boning knife. Size all depends on cook using it honestly.  Or item you cutting. Like Japan has giant knives for large sushi fish but otherwise more about shape and flexibility in a kitchen for what knife is for. Or what the cook prefers

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Wire wheeled and clear coated the new old Fisher anvil with VHT fireproof exhaust paint. Painted upside down to not paint the face or upper horn. 

There was some weld spatter on the face I lightly removed and removed the mushrooming from the smashed down horn point. 

The edge chips were not rough and are actually smoothed over so I left it alone for now. 

It is a well used anvil but still it great usable shape. That screams good anvil to me. 






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Moved my 1" steel slab with the 25# LG on it, changing it's orientation so I can get the 60# Champion on the slab too and no Billy, I don't need a tractor for moving such small items!

ps: I put a new cord on my Belsaw 279 mower blade sharpener, oiled the bearings and watched it go!  20 USCents a pound at the scrapyard and now no excuse to not sharpen the mower blades anymore.

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They are out there. 

Funny after all that hard use it had, someone found it and was going to scrap it before someone else with no forging experience or care to learn saw it and saved it just to make a bit of cash to sell it to someone who cares to clean it up and will use it again. 

Keep looking and asking. They go quick online if they are reasonable. 

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Das, that was the same way I was lucky enough to get my 230# Soderfors earlier this year. The Forman told one of the men working at a repair shop to clean up the outside of the shop, throw everything away, but he could keep what he wanted. He found the anvil, brought it to his neighbor, one of our club members to sell, and I was lucky enough to go early to help set up for our clubs meeting that day  at his shop 

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Thanks Gandalf.

Les, That is a great score. Those anvils are tanks. 

You are right Frosty. Really depends on what you need tho. Any anvil Not going to scrap is a good thing. 

My two shop anvils are around 130# each. Honestly, while bigger might be nice once in a while, I haven't needed a bigger anvil for what I do. 

Some times smaller in the 100# range is easier and more manageable. Not saying I wouldn't jump on a deal on a bigger anvil if a good deal was to be had.

Well Thomas, moving something like that would sure cure boredom. Hope you can get it all setup and going now that you have the power to run it. 

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Agreed, any anvil that stays out of the scrap stream is a win for all of us. I do almost all my work on my 125lb. Soderfors my 206lb. Trenton sits within easy reach but I only use it when I need the face space. I do striker work on the Soderfors and I can lift it into the pickup.

I'd still love to come across a large Soderfors, I'd sell the Trenton in a heart beat and it's an excellent anvil. I just have a THING for Soderfors anvils. <wistful sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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