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19 minutes ago, JHCC said:

that Satan builds in Hell, in John Milton's Paradise Lost

Lol yeah I was quoting a book but it’s a little more light hearted, 

Pandamonium by Dan Crisp 

Its one of the books I read it to Max after I’m tired of reading chicka chicka boom boom for the millionth time :lol: lol

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Yeah chicka chicka boom boom gets read all the time…

First thing in thing in the morning if there’s time… at least a couple times during the day.. an before bedtime… sometimes several times…

it got read twice this morning… once by me trying to get out the door to get the shop open an again by Ash while she was tryin to get goin lol

and the swing set, fort, slide combo thing in the yard has officially been named… wait for it!!!

the Coconut Tree!! :rolleyes: Lol

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4 hours ago, Nodebt said:

For that I appologize.

Oh cut that out Scott, you don't have anything to apologize for. I was just hoping to have some fresh . . . stuff tossed at me. Keep posting shots at me, it's how you know who your friends are.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Since there was a law forbidding the importation of whales into Oklahoma, I can understand your lack of knowledge of whaling terms...(As I heard it back in the 1980's in OKC: A long time ago a whale washed up on the east coast and someone got the bright idea of loading it on a train car with ice and charge folks in small towns a nickel to see it.  They ran out of ice in Oklahoma and abandoned the multi ton decomposing whale in a small town with no facilities to deal with it...)

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Ahh I see! 

that makes sense, I’ve always wondered why we ain’t got no whale importers around here,

as far as the dead whale goes I’m surprised they didn’t send it to the dog food factory,

that’s what they did with the millions of tons of rotting green slimy maggot infested chicken carcasses, im sure the dogs woulda ate whale too! 

that would give new meaning to chicken of the sea!

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Being defenestrated from an igloo would be faster way to go than flensing.

Flensing is separating blubber or fat from the meat or hide. Scraping a hide after skinning a critter is flensing though not in the traditional whaling meaning of the term. 

Here's one whale of a REAL story for you Billy.

Sorry about the weird spacing I had to cut and paste to lose the ads. The live coverage video is worth it though.

Frosty The Lucky.

Blasted blubber

In 1970, the dead, decaying sperm whale that washed up near Florence posed a serious health hazard. It was too big to drag away or bury, and officials decided to get rid of the stinking corpse with dynamite,  blasting it into manageable, bite-size chunks that scavenging birds and crabs would then clean up, according to the Oregon Historical Society (OHS).

But when engineers set off the half-ton of explosives, "the blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds," Paul Linnman, a reporter who filmed the explosion for Portland news station KATU, said at the time.

"The humor of the situation suddenly gave way to a run for survival, as huge chunks of whale blubber fell everywhere," Linnman said. "Pieces of meat passed high over our heads, while others were falling at our feet."

 Spectators fled in all directions, escaping the awful smell and the rain of rotting whale flesh. One particularly hefty slab landed on an unoccupied parked car about a quarter-mile (0.4 kilometers) from the blast site, crushing the roof. Everyone nearby was drenched with dead whale, Linnman said.         Musician Dan Tanz further described the gruesome scene in 2016, in a haunting banjo tune, "The Exploding Whale Song."         After the explosion, much of the whale's body was still in big chunks that were much too large for small scavengers to carry away, and the demolition crew ended up burying the carcass pieces on the beach, Linnman reported.          Current policy in the state of Oregon dictates that beached, dead whales must be buried and not blown up, according to the OHS.                       Today, the Exploded Whale Memorial Park's iconic sand dunes are a peaceful and gore-free sight. The rest of the park includes picnic tables, a grassy lawn and views of the Siuslaw River and Bridge, according to the City of Florence website.
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There used to be a video of whale necropsy fails where the whales exploded from internal gasses while they were trying to do the necropsy.  Oh the humanity!

Went to the scrapyard today, only took out 108 pounds---but 70 of that was a chunk of rail 2' long.

Got a nice chunk of WI, some heavy pegboard fittings, a steel milk crate, sledge for rock work, etcKIMG0155.thumb.JPG.6abc1da8122bf39ecaeb32792fef0a73.JPG

Now I don't want to say that things can be a might rough at the scrapyard; but they did *break* a piece of RR rail laying on the ground! (No cutting, grinding, torch, etc.)


As I recall the whale law was repealed when one of the big cities built an aquarium and someone pointed out they were contravening the statute!


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